Any reason not to run them all as separate processes?

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:08 PM, Ritchie Lee <> wrote:

> Let's say I have 10 julia scripts, scripts = ["script1.jl", "script2.jl",
> ...., "script10.jl"] and I would like to run them in parallel in separate
> Julia sessions, but 4 at a time (since I only have 4 cores on my machine).
> Is there any way to do this programmatically?
> I tried doing this:
> addprocs(4)
> pmap(include, scripts)
> or
> addprocs(4)
> @parallel for s in scripts
> include(s)
> end
> However, this seems to reuse the same session, so all the global consts in
> the script file are colliding.  I would like to make sure that the
> namespaces are completely separate.
> Thanks!

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