
my original problem is a dynammic programming problem in which I need to 
interpolate the value function on an irregular grid using a cubic spline 
method. I was translating my MATLAB code into Julia and used the Dierckx 
package in Julia to do the interpolation (there weren't some many 
alternatives that did spline on an irregular grid as far as I recall). In 
MATLAB I use interp1. It gave exactly the same result but it was about 50 
times slower which puzzled me. So I made this 
stackoverflow post. 

The post is messy and you don't need to read through it I think. The bottom 
line was that the Dierckx package apparently calls some Fortran code which 
seems to pretty old (and slow, and doesn't use multiple cores. Nobody knows 
what exactly the interp1 is doing. My guess is that it's coded in C?!). 

So I asked a friend of mine who knows a little bit of C and he was so kind 
to help me out. He translated the interpolation method into C and made it 
such that it uses multiple threads (I am working with 12 threads). He also 
put it on github here (https://github.com/nuffe/mnspline). Equipped with 
that, I went back to my original problem and reran it. The Julia code was 
still 3 times slower which left me puzzled again. The interpolation itself 
was much faster now than MATLAB's interp1 but somewhere on the way that 
advantage was lost. Consider the following minimal working example 
preserving the irregular grid of the original problem which highlights the 
point I think (the only action is in the loop, the other stuff is just 
generating the irregular grid):


Nxx = 300 ;
Naa = 350;
Nalal = 200; 
sigma = 10 ;
NoIter = 10000; 

xmin = 0.01;
xmax = 400;
xx(1) = xmin;
for i=2:Nxx
    xx(i) = xx(i-1) + (xmax-xx(i-1))/((Nxx-i+1)^spacing);

f_util =  @(c) c.^(1-sigma)/(1-sigma);
W(:,1) = f_util(xx);

W_temp = NaN(Nalal,Naa);
xprime = NaN(Nalal,Naa);

for banana=1:NoIter
%   tic
%   toc



Nxx = 300
Naa = 350
Nalal = 200
sigma = 10
NoIter = 10000

xmin = 0.01
xmax = 400
xx[1] = xmin
for i=2:Nxx
    xx[i] = xx[i-1] + (xmax-xx[i-1])/((Nxx-i+1)^spacing)

f_util(c) =  c.^(1-sigma)/(1-sigma)
W[:,1] = f_util(xx)

spl = mnspline(xx,W[:,1])

function performance(NoIter::Int64)
    W_temp = Array(Float64,Nalal*Naa)
    W_temp2 = Array(Float64,Nalal,Naa)
    for banana=1:NoIter
        W_temp = spl(xprime[:])
    W_temp2 = reshape(W_temp,Nalal,Naa)

@time performance()

In the end I want to have a matrix, that's why I do all this reshaping in 
the Julia code. If I comment out the loop and just consider one iteration, 
Julia does it in  (I ran it several times, precompiling etc)

0.000565 seconds (13 allocations: 1.603 MB)

MATLAB on the other hand: Elapsed time is 0.007864 seconds.

The bottom line being that in Julia the code is much faster (more than 10 times 
in this case), which should be since I use all my threads and the method is 
written in C. However, if I don't comment out the loop and run the code as 
posted above:

3.205262 seconds (118.99 k allocations: 15.651 GB, 14.08% gc time)

Elapsed time is 4.514449 seconds.

If I run the whole loop apparently MATLAB catches up a lot. It is still slower 
in this case. In the original problem though Julia was only about 3 times 
faster within the loop and once I looped through MATLAB turned out be 3 times 
faster. I am stuck here, does anybody have an idea what might be going? / If I 
am doing something wrong in my Julia code? A hint what I could do better?
Right now I am trying to parallelize also the loop. But that's obviously unfair 
compared with MATLAB because you could also parallelize that (If you buy that 
expensive toolbox). 

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