Le jeudi 04 février 2016 à 17:31 -0800, julialangfans...@gmail.com a
écrit :
> in python, "abc def ghi jkl".title() capitalizes each "word" in the
> string, giving 'Abc Def Ghi Jkl' as the result
> i have not been able to find a similar string function in julia, so
> i'm currently doing this:
> julia> join(map(ucfirst, split("abc def ghi jkl")), " ")
> "Abc Def Ghi Jkl"
> is there a better / more straightforward julia-based solution?
I wouldn't call it "straightforward", but if you need a Unicode-correct 
way of applying title case, you can use UnicodeExtras, which relies on

Title case hasn't been implemented in base yet, though it's been
mentioned in the past:


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