Thanks Tim, this is very useful. I will probably use CartesianRange now. 

Is Julia 0.5 Arraypocalypse planning to address this issue as well ?


On Friday, February 5, 2016 at 3:24:34 PM UTC-8, Tim Holy wrote:
> On Friday, February 05, 2016 08:17:21 AM Kevin Squire wrote: 
> > I think this needs to be @time bar(A). 
> Yeah, sorry for the typo. 
> > I get 
> > 
> > julia> @time bar(A) 
> >   0.000269 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes) 
> > 20010.937886591404 
> That's just REPL allocation. Since A has 10000 columns, if this strategy 
> were 
> allocating you'd expect "10000+n allocations," where n comes from the 
> REPL. 
> --Tim 

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