You are right; it did not work. I made some modifications to fix it, but 
they required a significant rethinking of many of the methods, so it would 
be a different type entirely. Nemo supports rational functions in any case, 
and I think that's a better idea.

On Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 11:21:17 AM UTC-5, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> There are various assumptions baked into the rational code that may or may 
> not be satisfied by non-integer numeric types. I would suggest taking the 
> code from Base and trying it out without that restriction and seeing how it 
> goes.
> On Saturday, February 6, 2016, Fengyang Wang < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I was looking for a Julia package to handle rational functions, when I 
>> noticed that the `Polynomials` package implements `gcd`, `div`, and `rem`. 
>> So it would be possible to simply use `Rational{Poly}`... or so I thought. 
>> Unfortunately, the type `Rational` prevents this use, since it requires its 
>> type parameter to derive from `Integer`.
>> I think it would be more in line with Julia's goal of polymorphism if 
>> `Rational` "just worked" with any Euclidean domain. Is there some 
>> justification for the current behaviour, or should I file this as a issue 
>> (or make a pull request)?

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