The best I've come up with so far is

for pkg in vcat(["IJulia"], collect(keys(Pkg.installed())))
    if !isdefined(Symbol(pkg))
        info("Importing $(pkg)...")
        try (@eval import $(Symbol(pkg))) catch end

I had to manually add IJulia because it's installed site-wide (in my case). 
The try/catch prevents an abort if precompilation of a package fails (e.g. 
because Julia has to be reloaded, as happens with some packages). I found 
that I usually need to run this at least twice, from a clean state (empty 

On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 12:58:10 PM UTC+1, Oliver Schulz wrote:
> Is there an easy way to precompile all installed packages, e.g. after a 
> `Pkg.update()`?
> This would come in handy when using a cluster of Julia machines (using an 
> shared home dir on a network filesystem), to ensure precompilation is done 
> before all machines load (and start precompiling) packages (e.g. from a 
> shared home directory via a network filesystem).
> Also, as precompilation of many packages can take quite a bit of time, it 
> would be nice to be able to choose when it happens (i.e. right now, instead 
> later when I may want to give a tutorial or so ;-) ).
> Sorry if this is somewhere in the docs, I didn't find anything about it. 
> I'd love to be able to just do `Pkg.update(precompile = true)` or so.
> Cheers,
> Oliver

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