Concerning exchange rates, this is a good read:
In particular the referenced section.

On Thu, 2016-02-18 at 21:30, Jeffrey Sarnoff <> wrote:
> I am thinking about how Currencies would fit with software for handling SI
> and other physical dimensions and the usual units of measure.
> The following approach seems workable and (mostly) not disruptive to the
> working and evolving code Andrew Keller offers the community.
> A currency behaves as a representation of, or a stand-in or proxy for all
> the banknotes, sovereign wealth and other property interests of a nation.
> Two or more currencies for which there is a market that allows one to be
> converted into another at an agreed upon, current rate of exchange are not
> that different from two or more units of length or units of time that are
> allowed to be converted into one another using a predefined multiplicative
> ratio.
>      (now, 1.0 US Dollar = 8.45536 Swedish Krona, refreshing the page, now
> 1.0 US Dollar = 8.45518 Swedish Krona)
> The most impactful distinction is that rates of exchange are dynamic while
> the physical conversion factors (BIPM standards, CODATA values) persist.
> However currencies may be accommodated, it must protect our ability work
> with units with ease and with invisibly amortized processing overhead.
> So, the request that gets the appropriate exchange rate to use when
> converting from one currency to another must come from the Units code in a
> way that does not require other physical unit conversions to operate any
> differently.
> One of the things on Andrew's future to do list is allow measures and their
> uncertainties to be used and to interact respecting the uncertainty math.
> In any currency exchange trade, there is a buyer and a seller.  Usually,
> when they (or their requests) meet, they disagree.  The buyer wants to pay
> as little as possible and the seller wants to receive as much as possible.
> That separation is called the bid-ask spread (the buyer bids, the seller
> asks); almost always it is very, very small relative to the total value
> being exchanged.  The uncertainties associated with physical measures and
> conversions usually are very, very small relative to the total quantity
> being determined or the value being mapped into different units.  When
> uncertainty management is introduced, it is conceivable that currency
> support could take advantage of that analogous role.

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