Cool! I will stay updated. Thanks!

On Monday, 22 February 2016 07:50:39 UTC, Sebastian Kraft wrote:
> Please only stick to the examples given in the file. Single 
> buffer IO is not working properly, yet. 
> My current plan is to extend open() so you can pass a callback function 
> which does the processing asynchronously. However, it does not seem to work 
> when C code is called in an @async block... Have to investigate that 
> further in the next days...
> Am Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016 16:44:50 UTC+1 schrieb CrocoDuck O'Ducks:
>> Hi there!
>> I got into PortAudio.jl <> recently 
>> (see this 
>> <!topic/julia-users/ooyT55TI-jk> 
>> thread). I would like to code realtime digital filters. By that I mean that 
>> I would like to acquire data from sound-card input(s) and, while the 
>> acquisition goes on, filter the acquired samples and write the result to 
>> the sound-card output(s). Latency does not need to be low. I have mostly 
>> loudspeaker pre-hemphasis applications for acoustic measurements in mind 
>> for that, that means I will time align what I need later on... I think the 
>> PortAudio module should make me able to do that... but I have not figured 
>> out how. Here what I have (very naively) tried:
>> iostream = open(devID, (max_input_channels, max_output_channels), 
>> sample_rate, buf_size)
>> # Use a loop. Ctrl + C to exit the loop.
>> doloop = true
>> try
>>   while doloop
>>     ibuffer = read(iostream, buf_size) # Collect Input
>>     obuffer = some_filtering_of(ibuffer) # Do some processing
>>     write(iostream, obuffer) # Write it to output
>>   end
>> catch excp
>>   if isa(excp, InterruptException) # Ctrl + C generates an 
>> InterruptException
>>     doloop = false
>>   end
>> end
>> Of course, there are many problems with that (it is not collecting 
>> consecutive buffers, for example). I guess it can help you understanding 
>> what I have in mind though.

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