I'm pretty new to Julia and only have marginally more experience with R so 
please excuse me if I don't understand something basic.

According to Julia's website, the final api/syntax for manipulating data 
has not been finalized yet, although the momentum seems to be moving 
towards a dataframe style api.

Since Julia is still a new language, doesn't it make sense to base the 
model on something closer to the relational algebra/sql/list 
comprehensions? I realize these three are not synonyms for each other, but 
relational algebra is supposed to have a more rigorous mathematical 
foundation in building the primitives used to manipulate data. SQL now has 
decades of use and has unarguably democratized data manipulation (I've seen 
lawyers and traders use sql, who would never use a full blown programming 

At least R's dataframe feel extremely clunky, although I'll admit that I 
may be missing something fundamental since Julia/Spark/Pandas seem to be 
adopting this model instead of the relational model.

A language, built from the ground up to process datasets should have a more 
intuitive syntax.

One potential issue is that relational algebra/sql don't handle ordered 
data well. I don't know enough about recent advances but surely an 
extension to relational primitives is more sound than adapting dataframes.

Frankly I'm curious to learn from the more experienced here what I'm not 
understanding about dataframes and why they are so popular.

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