
this is the first release of GLVisualize.jl 
<https://github.com/JuliaGL/GLVisualize.jl>, a 2D/3D visualization library 
completely written in Julia and OpenGL.

You can find some crude documentation on glvisualize.com 
I hope to improve the examples and the documentation in the coming weeks.
The biggest problem for most people right now will be a slightly flaky 
camera and missing guides and labels.
This is being worked on! If someone beats me to the guide/axis creation, 
I'd be very happy. This could be a fun project to get started with 
Please feel free to open any issue concerning missing documentation, 
discrepancies <http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/discrepancies.html> and 

Relation to GLPlot <https://github.com/SimonDanisch/GLPlot.jl>:
GLPlot is now a thin wrapper for GLVisualize with a focus on plotting. 
Since I concentrated mostly on finishing GLVisualize, it's a reeally thin 
It basically just forwards all calls to GLVisualize, and adds a boundingbox 
around the objects. 
In the future, it should offer some basic UI, automatic creation of 
axis/labels, screenshots and an alternative API that is more familiar to 
people that are coming from other plotting libraries (e.g. functions like 
surf, contourf, patches).
If anyone has specific plans on how this could look like don't hesitate to 
open issues and PR's!

I'd like to make GLVisualize more independent of the rendering backend by 
using some backend agnostic geometry 
This will make it easier to integrate backends like FireRender 
<https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/FireRender.jl>, WebGL, Vulkan 
<https://github.com/JuliaGPU/Vulkan.jl/tree/api> (why Vulkan 
or some text based backends like PDF/SVG.

Furthermore, I'd like to improve the performance and interaction 

I have to thank the Julia Group for supporting me :) It's a pleasure to be 
a part of the Julia community!

I'm looking forward to the great visualizations you'll create!

Simon Danisch

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