On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:34 PM, Ben Ward <axolotlfan9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ohhh I see it, yep. Can't give a number in a parametric type definition -
> ugh, well that's tiredness!

Admittedly the macro expansion probably should have swallowed the error .....

> On Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 2:12:43 AM UTC, Ben Ward wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to create a macro for the BioJulia project which will allow
>> easy creation of biological alphabets, which will work with the new
>> BioSequence type we are designing as a major improvement to the Seq module.
>> As it will be creating types and functions, I expect hygiene will be an
>> issue, but before I even get to that, let's start simple. Just a quote, and
>> some interpolation:
>> macro create_alphabet(alph_name, n_bits)
>>            quote
>>                immutable $(alph_name){$(n_bits)} <: Alphabet end
>>            end
>>        end
>> @create_alphabet (macro with 1 method)
>> julia> abstract Alphabet
>> julia> @create_alphabet hi 1
>> ERROR: syntax: malformed expression
>>  in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:267
>> For the life of me, I really cannot see what I've done wrong - it's one
>> line with two interpolated words! What massively obvious thing am I being a
>> moron about at 2 am?
>> Thanks,
>> Ben.

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