I've recently upgraded the PatternDispatch.jl 
<https://github.com/toivoh/PatternDispatch.jl> package to work with Julia 
0.4, and am trying to figure out if I can make it work with Julia master as 
well. However it seems that the functions overhaul will force me to find a 
somewhat new approach. I'll try to describe my problem below in the hope to 
get some ideas how it can be solved with a new Julia:

Example: Given pattern method definitions

    @pattern f(x) =  x
    @pattern f(2) = 42

the package generates code along the lines of

    const f = (args...)->dispatch(args...)

    match1(x) =  x
    match2()  = 42

    dispatch(x::Any) = match1(x_1)
    function dispatch(x::Int64)
        if x === 2; match2()
        else;       match1(x)

The reason to create the closure f is to prevent the user from overloading 
the pattern function with regular methods, which might break the dispatch.

Here's the problem: When should the code given above be generated and 

   - The definition for the closure f has to be emitted already from the 
   first macro invocation, to associate the name f with the pattern 
   - The rest of the code can't be generated before the last macro 
   invocation (@pattern f(2) = 42) has been encountered.

Ideally, we would like to generate the dispatch code the first time that f 
is called.

In previous Julia versions, I was able to make an initial dispatch method 
that would invoke code generation and then eval new overloads for the same 
function, hiding the old method with the generated ones. But after the 
function overhaul, I guess that f is compiled to use the old dispatch 
method when it is first called, and doesn't care that it becomes overloaded 

How can I make code generation happen the first time that f is called? The 
first thing that comes to mind is making f call a generated function that 
will generate the dispatch code. But as far as I can remember, there is no 
guarantee that code generation for the generated function waits for the 
first time that it is called. Would this be safe? Is there a better way?

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