If I'm not too cheeky, can you please explain the solution? With 
Kristoffer's code I was running into an UndefVarError - which is something 
I usually run into with my macros too. 
In this scenario, the local variables from the scope where the macro was 
called are not available to the ??? (macro or expression inside the macro). 
Looking at the definition of "esc()" am I correct to assume that without 
it, the expression is eagerly evaluated in the wrong context / scope (maybe 
at compile time?). 

duminică, 28 februarie 2016, 16:31:31 UTC+1, Toivo Henningsson a scris:
> I think you want to change the first case to
> macro devtime(ex)
>     quote
>         @time $(esc(ex))
>     end
> end
> right? 

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