Which version are you using?

=> *Pkg.installed("GR")*

On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 3:13:33 PM UTC+1, J Luis wrote:
> But unfortunately on Windows
> INFO: Downloading pre-compiled GR 0.17.3 binary
> =================================[ ERROR: GR 
> ]==================================
> LoadError: chmod: no such file or directory (ENOENT)
> while loading C:\j\.julia\v0.4\GR\deps\build.jl, in expression starting 
> on line 25
> quinta-feira, 3 de Março de 2016 às 08:26:20 UTC, Josef Heinen escreveu:
>> *Pkg.add("GR")*
>> *using GR*
>> *z = peaks()*
>> *surface(z)*
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2CSDxUlOqeM/Vtf1BpM3awI/AAAAAAAAACE/gUeA-pQotpQ/s1600/surface.png>
>> On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 5:10:52 AM UTC+1, mauri...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello Julia users, 
>>> I would like to know if anyone knows how we can have 3D scatter plots or 
>>> meshed surfaces color plots using Julia.  
>>> My problem is based on four variables, so I'm trying to visualize the 
>>> data according to these options. 
>>> Any idea or example code will be really helpful. 
>>> Thanks!

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