Just read from STDIN and write to STDOUT and this should work as in any
other language. You may need to call `flush(STDOUT)` sometimes since output
is buffered – depends on what kind of buffering you need.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Ben Ward <axolotlfan9...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering how easy it is to make a Julia script that can be part of a
> shell pipeline `cat file > julia myscript.jl > output.txt`?
> When reading the documentation, I get the impression most io is designed
> to be done all at once. I know how to loop over a file handle or stream,
> and I think
> STDOUT and STDIN are accessible from Julia, I'm just unsure about how to
> make it act as one link in a longer shell pipe.
> For example, if I were to loop using a stream of STDIN, waiting for a
> piece of data from the output of previous step instead of just thinking
> STDIN is finished or just waiting for all of it,
> I'd like things to move through piecemeal and so on, like a node stream or
> unix pipe does. Are there any good examples of people doing this?
> Until now I've just read in whole files or iterated over lines of files,
> and analysed them.
> Thanks,
> Ben.

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