1) I'd strongly recommend watching the intro video by @dpsanders from 
JuliaCon 2015. 
2) If you have a lot of experience in some other language, maybe read first 
the http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/noteworthy-differences/ 
section for Matlab, R, Python, or C/C++
3) Start reading the manual: http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/
4) Join https://gitter.im/JuliaLang/julia, there are a number of people 
there willing to help out, no matter the level of the questions
5) Continue watching other videos from the 2 JuliaCons, there is a huge 
wealth of great information in them (if you possibly can, arrange to come 
to JuliaCon 2016, at MIT this summer)
6) Also look here and on GitHub PRs/issues to start following discussions 
about the fields (fintech?) that interest you.
7) Also look to see if your question has been asked and possibly answered 
on StackOverflow
   (I've seen lots of good answers there, even members of the core Julia 
team such as Stefan Karpinski take the time to answer questions on 
StackOverflow, which has been great)

Finally, just enjoy yourself, play around with the REPL, but be careful, 
the Julia language is very addictive, and can be prejudicial to the quick 
finishing of a PhD thesis, from what I've seen over the last year!


On Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 6:00:16 AM UTC-5, roberto....@gmail.com 
> Hello all,
> I'm a student, this is the first time I work with Julia programme, and I 
> would like to know how I can implement my ability with Julia. Are there 
> some good and easy manual to read??
> I study finance, hence something connected with this last one.
> Thank you very much!

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