I apologize for the beginner nature of my question but I am not 
understanding the file structure in Julia. 

I am wanting to run lmm on a very large file (470000x2000), I would like to 
run one lmm on each of the 470000 observations. 

I have loaded in my matrix and my covariates to Julia using the following 
betas = readtable("betas.txt", separator='\t')



I am then running an lmm, in this fashion:

This will not run because covarsInput is the dataframe being specified and 
betas is not in covarsInput. I have no idea how to remedy this?
So a) how do I get all my files in the same "dataframe" even if one is a 
large matrix, and
b) how do I get the lmm to run on each probe in betas

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated, I am very new to this and 
pretty confused! 

Thank you!

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