Thanks, that looks like an elegant solution if we can make it work. 
Unfortunately it doesn't.

I added the following function to Nemo:

function promote_rule_exists{T1, T2}(::Type{T1}, ::Type{T2})
   return Union{} != Base.promote_rule(T1, T2)

But when I do

Nemo.promote_rule_exists(Nemo.Poly{Nemo.fmpz_poly}, Nemo.fmpz)

after the relevant promote rule has been created, e.g. by

using Nemo
R, x = PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x")
S, y = PolynomialRing(R, "y")

one of the side-effects of which is to create the relevant promote_rule, 
the function returns false.

However, if I create the promote_rule_exists function in the REPL and call 
it instead, it returns true.

I have no idea why it would return a different value depending whether it 
is inside a module or not.

Any ideas?


On Tuesday, 22 March 2016 20:03:49 UTC+1, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> This checks whether a specific promote rule  exists:
> promotionExists{T1, T2}( ::Type{T1}, ::Type{T2} ) =  (Union{} != 
> promote_rule(T1,T2))
> On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 11:37:56 AM UTC-4, Bill Hart wrote:
>> I'm having trouble understanding the following behaviour 
>> in 0.5.0-dev+3171. I wonder if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
>> module Mymod
>>    type mytype
>>    end
>> end
>> sig_table = [x.sig for x in methods(Base.promote_rule)]
>> V = Tuple{typeof(Base.promote_rule),Type{Mymod.mytype},Type{Int64}}
>> V in sig_table # returns true!!
>> for s in sig_table # prints yes
>>    if V == s
>>       println("yes")
>>    end
>> end
>> for s in sig_table # prints nothing
>>    if s == V
>>       println("yes")
>>    end
>> end
>> Can someone explain what the difference between == and "in" is. For 
>> example, why shouldn't == be symmetric? And why should "in" tell me 
>> something is in an array that is clearly not in there?
>> Metaquestion: what is the easiest way of checking if a promote_rule 
>> already exists? We have to create promote_rules at run time in response to 
>> user input (so it can't be done statically) and now the Julia compiler 
>> complains with pages of warnings because we are overwriting existing 
>> promote rules (actually, we are, harmlessly). We want to get rid of the 
>> warnings and the easiest way is to check if that promote rule already 
>> exists before defining it again.
>> We can't just do method_exists because it always returns true for 
>> promote_rule, with any signature. So we need to check whether the promote 
>> rule with the precise signature we want to define already exists. For 
>> example
>> method_exists(Base.promote_rule, Tuple{Type{Mymod.mytype}, Type{Int}})
>> returns true.
>> Bill.

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