
I'm designing a scheme to control and read out hardware devices (mostly lab 
instruments) via Julia. The basic idea is that each device type is 
characterized by a set of features/properties that have a value type and 
dimensionality and that can be read-only or read/write (a bit like SCPI or 
VISA, conceptually).

Features/properties would be things like "InputVoltage" for a multimeter, 
"Waveform", "TriggerLevel", etc. for an oscilloscope, and so on. They would 
be represented by (abstract or singleton) types. Obviously, certain 
features would be supported by many different device classes.

For the API, I was thinking of an interface like this:

current_feature_value = mydevice[SomeDeviceFeature]
mydev[SomeDeviceFeature] = new_feature_value

resp. things like

mydev[SomeMultiChannelFeature, channel]

for feature with multiple instances (e.g. in muli-channel devices). The 
implementation would, of course, be

getindex(dev::SomeDeviceType, ::Type{SomeDeviceFeature}) = ...
setindex!(dev::SomeDeviceType, value, ::Type{SomeDeviceFeature}) = ...

etc. This would mean having a large number of classes for all features 
(let's say around 200), and an even larger number of methods ( 
O(number_of_device_classes * typical_number_of_features_per_device), let's 
say around 5000) for getindex and setindex!. Can Julia handle this, or 
would this result in long compile times and/or bad performance?

An alternative would be, of course, to represent each feature by a specific 
set of methods like "trigger_level_set, "trigger_level_get", etc. However, 
I like the idea of representing a device feature as something that can be 
passed around (possibly between hosts). Also, there may be other feature 
operations beyond a simple set and get, which would many several functions 
for each feature.

Any insights?



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