On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 1:21 PM, Tony Kelman <t...@kelman.net> wrote:
> If you're not sure whether something is a bug, it's best to post to the
> mailing list first. If someone who knows the subject well responds and says
> "yes this looks like a bug, please open an issue" then it's fine to do so,
> but better to get a second opinion from someone else on where the error may
> lie.
> Your attachment didn't go through. Exactly what Pkg.clone command did you
> use? Can you copy-paste the input and output from the REPL as text here?

After the image was added in [1] it looks like `stat` is being
confused somehow. What's your version and file system setup?

(also note that the CHull package appears to be missing dependencies...)

[1] https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/15644#issue-143828559

> On Monday, March 28, 2016 at 7:52:24 AM UTC-7, Thomas Wollmann wrote:
>> My specific issue: I would like to add the "CHull" package
>> (https://github.com/davidavdav/CHull.jl) but cannot install it from github.
>> I first tried just Pkg.add("CHull") but this did not work; I suspect this
>> is because CHull is not in the list of files in metadata.jl (although please
>> correct me if I am wrong). Thus, I next tried the following Pkg.clone("...")
>> commands (in the attached image) but no luck there. I ran Pkg.update() and
>> repeated these steps, but still no luck. I have tried everything else I can
>> think of without avail.
>> Caveat: while I love Julia, I am not a computer scientist by trade, so
>> layman's terms are very helpful. I appreciate the help with this.
>> Also question: I posted this to Github, where I have posted before when I
>> thought there were errors, but a poster directed me to this group instead.
>> Just so I have it clear, can someone tell me what venue I should be posting
>> for errors? I don't want to abuse what has been a very helpful community to
>> me on a number of occasions.
>> Thanks.

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