On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:51 PM, Chris <7hunderstr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my current dilemma, (hopefully) explained by this simple example:
> I have a composite type that has a bool field:
> type A
>   x::Float64
>   b::Bool
> end
> I have a function with different behavior based on the value of A.b. The
> manual suggests the following solution:
> function dothing(a::A, ::Type{Val{false}})
>    ...
> end
> function dothing(a::A, ::Type{Val{true}})
>   ...
> end
> That's fine, but now I have to call the function as dothing(a, Val{a.b}),

Don't do this, just use a branch. Never construct a type with a type
parameter of runtime determined value.
The doc should be made very clear to discourage this!

> which just strikes me as slightly redundant/verbose. Is there some way to
> make this more compact, i.e. just dothing(a), while still avoiding the check
> of a.b inside the function? Perhaps parameterizing the type A itself?
> Hopefully I made myself relatively clear. Thanks in advance.

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