On my machine fast() and pretty_fast() run in the roughly the same time.
Are you sure pre-compiled first?


> The compiler has no idea what the return type of the third one so this 
> version is still type unstable and you get dynamic dispatch at every 
> iteration for the floating point add

1. If you add a default fallback method, say, evaluate(f::Feature) = -1.0
Theoretically, would that inform the compiler that evaluate() always 
returns a Float64 and therefore is type stable?

2. I don't get the connection between "dynamic dispatch" and "type 
Does dynamic dispatch mean compiler has to look up method at run time 
(because it can't know type ahead of time).
This is equivalent to explicitly coding "static dispatch" with if 
If so then why is it so much slower?
Providing a fallback method as in 1. or explicitly returning Float64 
doesn't seem to improve speed, which naively suggests that slowness is from 
dynamic dispatch not from type instability???

3. Also, on my machine pretty_fast() is as fast as fast(). Why is this so, 
if pretty_fast() is supposedly type unstable?

As you can probably tell, I'm pretty confused on this.

On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 6:34:09 AM UTC+10, Cedric St-Jean wrote:

> Thank you for the detailed explanation. I tried it out:
> function pretty_fast(features::Vector{Feature})
>     retval = 0.0
>     for i in 1 : length(features)
>         if isa(features[i], A)
>             x = evaluate(features[i]::A)
>         elseif isa(features[i], B)
>             x = evaluate(features[i]::B)
>         else
>             x = evaluate(features[i])
>         end
>         retval += x
>     end
>     retval
> end
> On my laptop, fast runs in 10 microseconds, pretty_fast in 30, and slow in 
> 210.
> On Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 12:24:18 PM UTC-4, Yichao Yu wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Tim Wheeler <timwheel...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote: 
>> > Thank you for the comments. In my original code it means the difference 
>> > between a 30 min execution with memory allocation in the Gigabytes and 
>> a few 
>> > seconds of execution with only 800 bytes using the second version. 
>> > I thought under-the-hood Julia basically runs those if statements 
>> anyway for 
>> > its dispatch, and don't know why it needs to allocate any memory. 
>> > Having the if-statement workaround will be fine though. 
>> Well, if you have a lot of these cheap functions being dynamically 
>> dispatched I think it is not a good way to use the type. Depending on 
>> your problem, you may be better off using a enum/flags/dict to 
>> represent the type/get the values. 
>> The reason for the allocation is that the return type is unknown. It 
>> should be obvious to see if you check your code with code_warntype. 
>> > 
>> > On Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 7:26:11 AM UTC-7, Cedric St-Jean wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>> Therefore there's no way the compiler can rewrite the slow version to 
>> the 
>> >>> fast version. 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> It knows that the element type is a Feature, so it could produce: 
>> >> 
>> >> if isa(features[i], A) 
>> >>     retval += evaluate(features[i]::A) 
>> >> elseif isa(features[i], B) 
>> >>     retval += evaluate(features[i]::B) 
>> >> else 
>> >>     retval += evaluate(features[i]) 
>> >> end 
>> >> 
>> >> and it would make sense for abstract types that have few subtypes. I 
>> >> didn't realize that dispatch was an order of magnitude slower than 
>> type 
>> >> checking. It's easy enough to write a macro generating this expansion, 
>> too. 
>> >> 
>> >> On Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 2:05:20 AM UTC-4, Yichao Yu wrote: 
>> >>> 
>> >>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:56 PM, Tim Wheeler <timwheel...@gmail.com> 
>> >>> wrote: 
>> >>> > Hello Julia Users. 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > I ran into a weird slowdown issue and reproduced a minimal working 
>> >>> > example. 
>> >>> > Maybe someone can help shed some light. 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > abstract Feature 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > type A <: Feature end 
>> >>> > evaluate(f::A) = 1.0 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > type B <: Feature end 
>> >>> > evaluate(f::B) = 0.0 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > function slow(features::Vector{Feature}) 
>> >>> >     retval = 0.0 
>> >>> >     for i in 1 : length(features) 
>> >>> >         retval += evaluate(features[i]) 
>> >>> >     end 
>> >>> >     retval 
>> >>> > end 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > function fast(features::Vector{Feature}) 
>> >>> >     retval = 0.0 
>> >>> >     for i in 1 : length(features) 
>> >>> >         if isa(features[i], A) 
>> >>> >             retval += evaluate(features[i]::A) 
>> >>> >         else 
>> >>> >             retval += evaluate(features[i]::B) 
>> >>> >         end 
>> >>> >     end 
>> >>> >     retval 
>> >>> > end 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > using ProfileView 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > features = Feature[] 
>> >>> > for i in 1 : 10000 
>> >>> >     push!(features, A()) 
>> >>> > end 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > slow(features) 
>> >>> > @time slow(features) 
>> >>> > fast(features) 
>> >>> > @time fast(features) 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > The output is: 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 0.000136 seconds (10.15 k allocations: 166.417 KB) 
>> >>> > 0.000012 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes) 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > This is a HUGE difference! Am I missing something big? Is there a 
>> good 
>> >>> > way 
>> >>> > to inspect code to figure out where I am going wrong? 
>> >>> 
>> >>> This is because of type instability as you will find in the 
>> performance 
>> >>> tips. 
>> >>> Note that slow and fast are not equivalent since the fast version 
>> only 
>> >>> accept `A` or `B` but the slow version accepts any subtype of feature 
>> >>> that you may ever define. Therefore there's no way the compiler can 
>> >>> rewrite the slow version to the fast version. 
>> >>> There are optimizations that can be applied to bring down the gap but 
>> >>> there'll always be a large difference between the two. 
>> >>> 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > Thank you in advance for any guidance. 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > -Tim 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 
>> >>> > 

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