Lets say I want to somehow implement loading of a file. I have used only 
dummy types for simplicity.

The first experiment:

abstract File

immutable FileA <: File end

immutable FileB <: File end

function load{F <: File}(t::Type{F}, path::ASCIIString) 
 ios::IOStream = open(path, "r")
 f::File = load(t, ios)

load(::Type{FileA}, ios::IOStream) = FileA()

load(::Type{FileB}, ios::IOStream) = FileB()

This implementation works great, but it allows the user to pass the 
abstract type File to the function load, because of File <: File. Is there 
a way to allow only concrete types of File for function load?

I could use:

if typeof(t) == File
 error("Not allowed.")

But without it, it's much cleaner.

So comming from OOP backgroud i used this:

abstract File

immutable FileA <: File end

immutable FileB <: File end

abstract FileLoader

immutable FileALoader <: FileLoader end

immutable FileBLoader <: FileLoader end

function load(l::FileLoader, path::ASCIIString) 
 ios::IOStream = open(path, "r")
 f::File = load(l, ios)

load(l::FileALoader, ios::IOStream) = FileA()

load(l::FileBLoader, ios::IOStream) = FileB()

This code works as desired. Since instances of abstract types cant be 
created. But it requires creation of empty objects that do nothing.

The first code is better suited for julia as types are only data 
containers. I think :D  That brings me to my question:

Is there a way to allow only concrete types of abstract supertype for 
parametric function such as:

load{F <: File}(t::Type{F}, path::ASCIIString)

Thanks Martin.

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