
IMO an extra ! is a small price to pay for consistency --- you are after
all modifying an existing object. Avoiding globals is also a good

The lure of terser syntax for common use cases is always there, but I
like to remind myself that I will be the person reading this code in 6
months or a year, and I will be grateful for all the clarity I can
get. That said, maybe my use case differs from yours: I like to write
functions that make plots, so my data analysis programs are more
structured (eg standardize axes, titles, colors, plot types, etc).

Another, more functional-style API could be what ggplot does in R, using
the + operator to create a new plot with the extras.



On Fri, Apr 08 2016, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> Hello,
> I was looking through the API for Plots.jl
> http://plots.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#api
> Maybe I'm the only one, but I think all those exclamation marks are a bit
> extraneous and feel like syntactic noise. I have been following Plots.jl
> because I'm interested in plotting. My use of Julia comes down to either
> making plots, or post-processing data so I can make a plots. I get the idea
> from Plots.jl that functions that end in an exclamation mark are supposed
> to modify an existing plot. So you get things like:
> plot!(...)  # Add another plot to an existing one.
> title!(...)
> xaxis!("mylabel", :log, :flip)
> xlims!(...)
> xticks!(...)
> and so on...
> This means that in actual usage, almost every line I write needs to have an
> extra `!`. To me this means that the `!` is not adding real information and
> is just syntactic noise. I currently use PyPlot, so I use that as a point
> of comparison. In PyPlot, all commands edit the current plot unless you
> explicitly call `figure()` to create a new plot. You can also use clf() to
> clear the current plot. I think this is something that PyPlot / Matplotlib
> get right. The special syntax lines up with the less common action.
> I don't know if anyone agrees with me. I still think Plots.jl is a step in
> the right direction and I'll keep cheering from the stands. I just wanted
> to share my thoughts.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.

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