On Tue, 2016-04-12 at 12:21, Didier Verna <did...@didierverna.net> wrote:
> Mauro <mauro...@runbox.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2016-04-12 at 11:10, Didier Verna <did...@didierverna.net> wrote:
>>>   Hello,
>>> I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen an actual use for dynamically
>>> creating a new global variable by using the "global" keyword from
>>> within a local scope?
>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/6b5a05eb1a029aef93f77b60bb1d745c7d6e1d8d/base/managers.jl#L175
>   Thanks, but :-). Two comments (related):
> 1. in that particular case, you're doing it not really because you want
>    to dynamically define your global function, but because you need the
>    lexical closure (your let is at the top-level). How about
>    non-functional variables?

If I understand correctly, you argue that all global bindings should be
declared in the (lexical) global scope.  An inner scope could then use
that binding by using `global`.  But new global bindings could not be
created in local scopes.  I think that would functionally be equivalent
to the current status.  I have no feeling about which would be superior

> 2. also, technically, your lexical closure isn't required for the
>    function itself, but for the particular method you're defining. But I
>    guess there's no way of declaring an empty generic function?

function foo end

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