right I mean b) - I have 1000, say, line segments or polygons, each with 
the same number of points. All I can do is loop, yes?


you are saying this is currently not implemented, I just have to 

On Friday, 15 April 2016 17:12:46 UTC+1, Andreas Lobinger wrote:
> Hello colleague,
> On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 5:17:29 PM UTC+2, Christoph Ortner wrote:
>> I understand from the example 
>> how to vectorise drawing of circles. 
>> The syntax for a two-point line segment seems to be    line( [(x0, y0), 
>> (x1, y1)] ) I don't see an analogy with `circle`?
>> But how do I vectorise lines? 
> what is your meaning of 'vectorise lines'? 
> a) have lines with more points -> 
> compose(context(),line([(0.4,0.3),(0.6,0.2),(0.6,0.4)])); you just add 
> tuples in the array
> b) have more lines in the same primitive -> looks like, you need a new 
> context for that.

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