Yichao Yu <yyc1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> julia> macro finish()
>>          :(t)
>>        end
>> julia> macroexpand(:(@finish()))
>> :t
>> as expected. BTW, this is not really "global", as the manual says. It
>> really is "outer scope".
> This is a bug, (the one I linked). It should be `Main.t` (or whatever
> module that the macro is defined in).

  So you mean that if I do this:

  t = 10
  function foo()
    t = 5

  I will presently get 5 but when the bug is fixed, I will get 10 (or
  whatever value t had in the macro definition's module) ?

> This should be `bar(Main.t)`. use as function argument name is talking
> about defining a function.

  Oh, right. Thanks.

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