Your problem is probably that you try to call your function with four 
positional arguments, although the last two should have been named. Compare

julia> f(x, y; z=0) = x + y + z
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(2, 3)

julia> f(2, 3, 4)
ERROR: MethodError: `f` has no method matching f(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
  f(::Any, ::Any)

julia> f(2, 3, z = 4)

Den torsdag 12 maj 2016 kl. 12:51:13 UTC+2 skrev Charles Ll:
> Dear all,
> There is something I did not understood well in Julia regarding the type 
> fo the variables and this creates difficulties with the functions I am 
> writing.
> For one of the functions of Spectra.jl package, I wrote for instance: 
> function gaussianarea(Amplitude::Array{Float64},HWHM::Array{Float64}; 
> eseAmplitude::Array{Float64} = 0, eseHWHM::Array{Float64} = 0)
> I was thinking that using the ::Array{Float64} will allow users to enter 
> either vectors or arrays. However, when I try to enter a vectors for 
> Amplitude or HWHM for instance, I get the following error:
> LoadError: MethodError: `gaussianarea` has no method matching 
> gaussianarea(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, 
> ::Array{Float64,1})
> Closest candidates are:
>   gaussianarea(::Array{Float64,N}, ::Array{Float64,N})
> while loading In[46], in expression starting on line 9
> I'm quite disappointed by that and don't know how to avoid it... Because 
> for me a vector is an Array {Float64,1}... But the above message says no?
> What did I miss here? 

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