I'll also take a stab at this.  For context, I've been programming in Julia 
full time for the last 13 months, as well as mentoring a couple of my 
colleagues using Julia, and have contributed to various parts of Julia 
(string conversions, unit tests, documentation, among other things).

* I use Emacs (mostly because I haven't had time to move my customizations 
/ key bindings I've had for years over to Atom, which the rest of my 
colleagues are using for Julia development)

* For debugging, I tend to try things out first in v0.5 (even though many 
things don't work the same as v0.4.5), because of the much better backtrace 
information, and also because I've been trying out Gallium.jl, but it still 
doesn't work tracing through my code, although I'm confident that the 
remaining issues are soon dealt fixed. It still seems rather primitive 
though compared to the debugging environment I used to have for C/C++ with 
MS Visual Studio, or using XCode.  Because of that, I end up decorating a 
lot of my code with print statements, using a macro that can either be 
compiled completely away, or based in bits I set on a per module basis, 
that prints out a string. I found the @printf macros and the $ string 
interpolation rather cumbersome, so I made my own string utility package 
https://github.com/ScottPJones/StringUtils.jl, that combines C and Python 
style formatting with Swift style string interpolation (building off of 
Dahua Lin's, Tom Breloff's (& others') work in 
https://github.com/JuliaLang/Formatting.jl) Being able to set defaults for 
how different types are formatted (thanks, Tom!) saves a LOT of time typing 
when adding a bunch of debugging output statements

* The code I write is mostly low level, performance critical stuff (sparse 
data support, serialization/deserialization, string handling, database 
access), so I use `@timev`, `@profile` and 
https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/Benchmarks.jl, as well as all of the 
other macros, i.e. `@which`, `@time`, `@profile`, and `@code_*` that Jacob 
already mentioned, to make sure I avoid things like type instability, 
excessive allocations, unnecessary conversions, etc.

* Make sure you write unit tests and use code coverage tools.

* Document everything!  We always put things in modules, and add a 
docstring to describe each module at the top of each file. We even make 
sure to document "private" functions (i.e. not exported), it makes life 
much easier when you can simply type `?<name>` or `?<module>.<name>` to get 
some helpful info while in the REPL.

* Some very useful packages: JSON.jl (reading and writing configuration 
data), CSV.jl (loading lots of tabular data - again, thanks Jacob!), 
SQLite.jl (quick storage, easy to access from different languages), ODBC.jl 
(for more complex database access needs, esp. useful to me now that decimal 
floating point values and different Unicode encodings are now handled 
correctly), DecFP.jl (ability to deal with decimal floating point 
arithmetic, which can be important when dealing with certain types of 
financial data, not stuff quants look at, but simple stuff like doing 
correct calculations with currency amounts, such as getting the sales tax 
amount correct, simply try `round(.70*.05,2)` to see what I mean)

* I've also started using Tom Breloff's https://github.com/tbreloff/Plots.jl 
used it to help my son with his science fair project, realized it's useful 
to me to visualize some of my benchmarking results, instead of eyeballing 
screens and screens of text output).

* I also found https://github.com/weijianzhang/MatrixDepot.jl useful, to 
get a number of different types of matrices to help test & benchmark some 
sparse matrix construction code I had implemented (because of performance 
issues I'd run into with sparse matrices in Base)

Finally, there's a theme to many of my previous points, i.e. build on top 
of what a lot of other smart people have created.
A great resource to help find those is Svaksha's 

Hope that helps!

P.S. If you are concerned about the efficiency of the code you write, in 
addition to how efficiently you are developing your code, I'd recommend 
getting Avik Sengupta's new book: 

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 1:01:04 PM UTC-4, David Parks wrote:
> I'm a few weeks into Julia and excited and motivated to learn and be as 
> efficient as possible. I'm sure I'm not alone. I know my way around now, 
> but am I as efficient as I can be? 
> What haven't I tried? What haven't I seen? What haven't I asked?
> For those of you who have been around longer, could you share your advice 
> on efficient day-to-day development style?
> For example:
>    - What IDE do you use? Are you using Atom? A combination of Atom and 
>    the REPL? Something else?
>    - How do you debug complex code efficiently? How do you debug other 
>    peoples code efficiently?
>    - Do you have a favorite way of visualizing your work?
>    - Are there must have tools? packages? utilities?
>    - Any simple day-to-day efficiency/advice you could share with others 
>    who didn't yet know to ask.

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