Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out basic communication patterns for Julia's parallel 
computing framework. I'd like to write up a little tutorial when I'm done, 
since the documentation on this (in my opinion) is a bit sparse.

The basic question is why this doesn't define `x` on worker #2:

*@spawnat 2 x=1*

Meanwhile this seems to work:

*@spawnat 2 eval(:(x=1))*

And this seems to work if you want to define `x` on all procs:

*@everywhere x=1*

To be clear, by "working" I mean that running *fetch(@spawnat 2 x)* will 
return 2 only in the second two cases. The first case throws an error (`x` 
not defined on worker 2) .

I tried using macroexpand to see the difference. I don't have a good sense 
of what things like `*:copyast*` and `*:localize*` mean. If someone could 
help me parse this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

*julia> **macroexpand(:(@spawnat 2 x=1))*

*:(Base.spawnat(2,$(Expr(:localize, :(()->begin  # expr.jl, line 113:*

*            ()->begin  # multi.jl, line 1358:*

*                    x = 1*

*                end*

*        end)))))*

*julia> **macroexpand(:(@spawnat 2 eval(:(x=1))))*

*:(Base.spawnat(2,$(Expr(:localize, :(()->begin  # expr.jl, line 113:*

*            ()->begin  # multi.jl, line 1358:*

*                    eval($(Expr(:copyast, :($(QuoteNode(:(x = 1)))))))*

*                end*

*        end), :eval))))*

Apologies if there is a good explanation of this elsewhere on the web. You 
can just point me there if so.

-- Alex

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