For those unfamiliar with sentinel values 
<>, think "zero terminated 
string" instead of "knowing the length of the string and checking if you 
are inbound every step" - the former removes a comparison, because 
termination can become part of the character lookup.

Andrei Alexandrescu just gave a keynote about this very old technique. One 
thing to note was his claim that while this can be a very effective 
technique, it is not used in generics often, due to a lack of introspection 
capabilities in most programming languages. Enter Julia?

It's a long presentation (albeit an entertaining one, as Alexandrescu's 
presentation tend to be) and there is no transcript yet AFAIK, so I'll also 
link directly to different parts:

   - Slideshare upload of the presentation slides
   - Youtube upload of the presentation <> 
   (total time: 1h06m).
   - 10m28s <>: 
      reintroduction to sentinels, and how to get sentinel guards in generic 
      with introspection. Uses Linear Find as an example
      - 29m04s <>: 
      sentinels in Tony Hoare's partitioning
      - 37m54s <>: 
      new-ish trick: creating a vacancy in the range to reduce full swaps to 
         - put sentinels at both ends
         - remove pivot value to create a "vacancy" in the range: an empty 
         slot in the range to move a value to
         - break swap into two assignments
            - a swap fills one vacancy and leaves another to be filled in 
            from the other side
            - turns swaps into half-swaps, no need for temporary values!
         - at the end fill in the vacancy with removed value
         - cleanup
      - 49m13s <>: 
      claims of this trick being generalisable to many situations:
         - Dot product
         - Set intersection
         - Merging sorted lists
         - Lexing and parsing
Given that at least three of these example are things I expect Julia does a 
lot, and that there might be more places this is effective, I figured this 
might be relevant to your interests.

Then again, for all I know this is a trick the Julia team is already 
employing everywhere that it makes sense :P

(Found on /r/programming 
comments there <http://Found on /r/programming>)

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