Hi all!

I'm trying to run this example (taken from here : 

using Graphs
g = simple_graph(3)
add_edge!(g, 1, 2)
add_edge!(g, 3, 2)
add_edge!(g, 3, 1)

but I get this error 
ERROR: could not spawn `neato -Tx11`: no such file or directory (ENOENT)
 in _jl_spawn at process.jl:262
 in anonymous at process.jl:415
 in setup_stdio at process.jl:403
 in spawn at process.jl:414
 in open at process.jl:483
 in plot at /home/andrea/.julia/v0.4/Graphs/src/dot.jl:91

I must be missing some library, can anybody help?

many thanks in advance!


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