
That's right. With `sow` the mod.eval of the third argument gets bound to 
the second; where mod defaults to Main. Maybe someone could think of a 
cleaner way to make values available for later work, but it seems to do the 
trick. It seems best to avoid using the `sow` function heavily.

`reap` returns the mod.eval of the second argument with no assignment on 
each pid.

Good luck!


On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 8:18:17 PM UTC+1, Michael Eastwood wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> ClusterUtils.jl looks very useful. I will definitely try it out. Am I 
> correct in reading that the trick to moving input to the workers is here 
> <https://github.com/pearcemc/ClusterUtils.jl/blob/ac5eb73bd565b43d0b05b9d8af1c930cef4088b7/src/ClusterUtils.jl#L157-L160>
> ?
> You're also correct that write_results_to_disk does actually depend on 
> myidx. I might have somewhat oversimplified the example.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 7:41:49 AM UTC-7, Matthew Pearce wrote:
>> Hi Michael 
>> Your current code looks like will pull back the `coefficients` across the 
>> network (500 gb transfer) and as you point out transfer `input` each time.
>> I wrote a package ClusterUtils.jl 
>> <https://github.com/pearcemc/ClusterUtils.jl> to handle my own problems 
>> (MCMC sampling) which were somewhat similar.
>> Roughly - given the available info - if I was trying to do something 
>> similar I'd do:
>> ```julia
>> using Compat
>> using ClusterUtils
>> sow(pids, :input, input)
>> @everywhere function dostuff(input, myidxs)
>>     for myidx in myidxs
>>         coefficients = spherical_harmonic_transforms(input[myidx])
>>     write_results_to_disk(coefficients) #needs myidx as arg too probably
>>   end
>> end
>> idxs = chunkit(limit, length(pids))
>> sow(pids, :work, :(Dict(zip($pids, $idxs))))
>> reap(pids, :(dostuff(input, $work[myid()])))
>> ```
>> This transfers `input` once, and writes something to disk from the remote 
>> process. 

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