Pkg.added PGFPlots and TikzPictures.

In REPL console the package generates this:

TikzPictures.TikzPicture("\\begin{axis}[view = {{0}{90}}]\\addplot+ 
coordinates {\n(1, 2)\n(2, 4)\n(3, 
axis legend/.append 

In Jupyter nb I receive the following message:

Error saving as SVG

LoadError: could not spawn `lualatex --enable-write18 --output-directory=. 
figure_7_8_linear_plots`: no such file or directory (ENOENT)
while loading In[1], in expression starting on line 10

Installed basic-miktex-2.9.5872. In MPM package manager installed pgfplots 

But still no go. Any thoughts?

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