So I am not able to get such a dramatic speed up. Do you mean something 

function linreg2{S <: Number, T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{S}, 
    mx = mean(x)
    my = mean(y)
    b1 = Base.covm(x, mx, y, my)/varm(x, mx)
    b0 = my - b1*mx
    return [b0, b1]

Which I find speeds up around 3x, or do you mean writing a custom cov 
function that is smarter about memory? (I am returning an array as I like 
to be able to do vector math on the coefficients ... but if I return a 
tuple it isn't much faster for me)

On Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 8:37:43 PM UTC-7, Andreas Noack wrote:
> I don't think that linreg has received much attention over the years. Most 
> often it is almost as simple to use \. It you take a look at linreg then 
> I'd suggest that you try to write in terms of cov and var and return a 
> tuple instead of an Array. That will speed up the computation already now 
> and with an unallocating cov, I see 20x speed up over linreg for n=10000 
> and Float64 element on 0.4.
> On Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 2:33:20 PM UTC-4, Gabriel Gellner wrote:
>> I think it's an error.  The method definition should probably just be:
>>> linreg{T<:Number,S<:Number}(X::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{S}) 
>>> = [ones(T, size(X,1)) X] \ y
>>> which will allow it to work for X and y of different types.
>>> Is using the more specific typing (<: Number) the current best 
>> practices? I notice a lot of the methods in linalg/generics.jl just check 
>> for AbstractVectors etc without requiring numeric types even though that 
>> would be the more correct check.
>>> A PR (pull request) with a patch and a test case would be most welcome.
>> On it! Taking me a bit of sweat to figure out the build process and 
>> github stuff but once I have that all sorted a PR will be submitted. Thanks 
>> for the quick response. 

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