I'm not sure I understand you question 100%.  As Julia evolves towards a
stable 1.0 version, bits of the language which change in a backward
incompatible way are deprecated over two release cycles: in one release
the old syntax will still work but generate the warning, in the
following release the syntax will be removed.  If the syntax gets a new
meaning, this will be switched on in the release after that (I think I
got this right...).

Anyway, it will probably take some time for the package authors to
attend to all the deprecations coming in with 0.5 and update their
packages to the new way of doing things.  They would probably appreciate
help, so if you know how to deal with a particular deprecation, then
create a pull-request.

On Mon, 2016-05-23 at 09:31, Colin Beckingham <col...@kingston.net> wrote:
> Currently in the latest v 0.5 Julia on openSUSE calling for using PyPlot
> generates a long list of deprecations from PyPlot and dependencies. After
> the recompile PyPlot works fine, so not a blocker, just inconvenient.
> Packages involved are Compat, Conda, BinDeps, URIParser, PyCall,
> Latexstrings, and the functions are bytestring, @unix_only, @windows,
> ascii...
> I have saved the diagnostic output. Maybe there have been some fundamental
> changes that are propagating through the system already?
> It's not clear to me as an end user how to initiate a chain of events in
> the most efficient manner, if at all.

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