Stefan Karpinski wrote:

> The modification I've occasionally considered would be:
> * short-form functions implicitly return their expression value;
> * long-form functions implicitly return `nothing` unless an explicit value is
>   returned.

  What's returned by a function (in a functional context where
  everything is an expression) is a matter of language semantics. If you
  go down that road, you're introducing semantic discrepancies out of
  syntactic context. Consider that you would no longer be able to talk
  about the concept of "function" itself, separate from the way a
  function object was constructed (in other words, you increase the
  porosity of the syntax/semantic membrane). I think this is a bad idea.

  It's traditional in impure functional languages to return the value of
  the last expression from compound statements; the former ones only
  making sense by side-effecting. Lisp has some constructs to allow you
  to return the value of previous sub-expressions instead, and we
  idiomatically use (values) to explicitly indicate intent to return

  I can see why some people may be bitten by accidentally returned
  values and would like to get 'nothing' by default, but in a
  multi-paradigm language like this one, especially when functional is
  prominent, it's not the language that needs to be fixed. It's the
  people ;-). They're simply not programming in a functional style
  enough and they should learn to do so. It's a long-term gain anyway.

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