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On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 6:59:24 PM UTC+2, Boylan, Ross wrote:
> I believe Calculus.hessian does finite differences.  I had not expected it 
> to computer both h[i, j] and h[j, i], since they should be the same.  That 
> is, AFAIK they are the same mathematically; numerically some differences 
> dependent on the order of operations seem inevitable.
> The double calculation has the potential advantage of alerting you if the 
> numerical issues are significant, but returning a matrix that lacks the 
> expected symmetry seems a pretty high price.
> Ross
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <javascript:> [ 
> <javascript:>] on behalf of Kristoffer Carlsson [ 
> <javascript:>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 31, 2016 1:26 AM
> *To:* julia-users
> *Subject:* [julia-users] Re: Calculus.hessian result oddities
> Doesn't Calculu's Hessian just do finite difference? There will naturally 
> be floating point errors. 
> isposdef returns false if the matrix is not hermitian, under the hood, 
> potrf from Lapack is used which work with hermitian matrices.
> On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 7:04:04 AM UTC+2, Boylan, Ross wrote: 
>> The hessian produced by Calculus.hessian has some properties that seem 
>> odd to me.  First, the resulting matrix is not symmetric (though it's 
>> really close).  Second, it is not positive definite even though the 
>> eigenvalues are all positive.  This might partly be the result of the first 
>> problem. 
>> Comments?
>>  julia> @time h6 = Calculus.hessian(RB.mylike, sol6[2])
>>  206.988247 seconds (2.43 G allocations: 83.830 GB, 15.48% gc time)
>>  10x10 Array{Float64,2}:
>> ....
>>  julia> issym(h6)
>>  false
>>  julia> isposdef(h6)
>>  false
>>  julia> eigvals(h6)
>>  10-element Array{Float64,1}:
>>       3.27548e5
>>   41407.1
>>    1873.44
>>     809.515
>>     385.469
>>     336.118
>>     269.82
>>      64.4228
>>     117.009
>>     122.845
>>  julia> [det(h6[1:i, 1:i]) for i in 1:10]  # all submatrix determinants 
>> are positive
>>  10-element Array{Any,1}:
>>   583.356
>>     2.93666e5
>>     3.76334e7
>>     4.26776e9
>>     3.17529e12
>>     6.53405e14
>>     1.12477e17
>>     8.54011e21
>>     3.75658e26
>>     6.65866e29
>>  julia> showall(h6)
>>  [583.356378500377 -215.9519377704782 42.707753088841706 
>> -12.046905619427504 100.26418659571075 30.907721733245413 
>> 5.1999446295105445 -3522.0797654066855 4410.401341876791 29.123944464570087
>>   -215.95193777047822 583.3512842422355 -12.0619061856546 
>> 42.69860798380086 -82.01778794681003 -20.00373356894301 -8.643894790795585 
>> 1484.6195212852567 -3316.905502014349 -2.7622075180025965
>>   42.7077530888417 -12.061906185654598 131.30467049554812 
>> -44.14799847519552 16.748039679197223 -10.98960509547607 43.02830286169418 
>> 234.68906012694512 -1258.6622801992237 9.86994636336174
>>   -12.046905619427504 42.69860798380086 -44.147998475195514 
>> 131.35743705036847 -17.498616283805696 4.724998443749094 
>> -31.481387268916205 -95.390157895702 209.5245372890838 12.903636963625035
>>   100.26418659571075 -82.01778794681003 16.748039679197223 
>> -17.498616283805696 766.6651018177663 -20.766430168130857 
>> -2.164074090378522 610.206909770971 -6927.858446549729 -200.4409796490271
>>   30.907721733245413 -20.00373356894301 -10.98960509547607 
>> 4.724998443749093 -20.766430168130857 209.8283757716871 -60.222027409043555 
>> 280.3888402431943 -1638.62573982097 -158.60599205247166
>>   5.199944629510544 -8.643894790795585 43.02830286169418 
>> -31.4813872689162 -2.164074090378524 -60.222027409043555 204.34068072875016 
>> -3.631354965653126 314.50383342119943 30.12788292183477
>>   -3522.079765406686 1484.6195212852565 234.6890601269451 
>> -95.39015789570199 610.2069097709712 280.3888402431943 -3.631354965653125 
>> 102596.98982032725 -117630.58331133435 267.23733374838395
>>   4410.401341876791 -3316.9055020143487 -1258.6622801992235 
>> 209.5245372890838 -6927.858446549729 -1638.62573982097 314.5038334211995 
>> -117630.58331133435 265600.50878023007 5508.687364627178
>>   29.123944464570084 -2.762207518002596 9.86994636336174 
>> 12.903636963625033 -200.4409796490271 -158.6059920524717 30.12788292183477 
>> 267.23733374838395 5508.687364627178 2125.8954716959997]
>> The largest absolute difference between symmetrical entries is < 5e-13.
>> Ross Boylan

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