I think the name makes a tonne of sense given the scope, and fits in the 
line with many standard packages: Calculus, Optim, Distributions, etc.
There is no reason that if a great Bifurcation suite grows it couldn't be 
part of DifferentialEquations (though that feels weird to me personally).

Also I for one feel we should all be stupid thankful that someone is 
pushing on this issue. I find diffeq solvers are one of the weakest areas 
of Julia currently. Graphs, Stats, Optimization all feel at a level that is 
very comfortable to replace general packages like Matlab for me (at a first 
approximation) but man solving these kinds of equations in julia feels 
barely passible. It is a herculean task to get this support in and Chris 
seems to be doing it with crazy determination. He could call the pacakge 
the OneTrueSolutionToSolvingEverything and I would support it!

It will kill me that it will be camelCase mind you ... Julia needs a PEP8 
linter bad ;)

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 1:48:51 AM UTC-7, jonatha...@alumni.epfl.ch 
> Your package is about computing numerical solutions of differential 
> equations. Differential equations are something a bit more general, for 
> example a package for bifurcation analysis could also want to call itself 
> "DifferentialEquations". I don't really have a better name... 
> NSolveDiffEqus ? That said I don't think you really need to rename it.

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