On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 6:36 PM, Arch Robison <arch.d.robi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The following example exhibits performance that is counter-intuitive to me.
> Why?

I believe this is https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/12219

> type fast
>     x
> end
> type slow
>     x :: Unsigned
> end
> function flog(y)
>     s = 0.0
>     for i=1:1000000
>         s += sqrt(y.x)
>     end
>     s
> end
> for i=1:3
>     @time flog(fast(42))
>     @time flog(slow(42))
> end
> Here is the output I get:
> $ julia sq.jl
>   0.088505 seconds (2.00 M allocations: 30.519 MB, 38.67% gc time)
>   0.803340 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 45.784 MB, 3.86% gc time)
>   0.048212 seconds (2.00 M allocations: 30.518 MB, 4.71% gc time)
>   0.770123 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 45.776 MB, 0.25% gc time)
>   0.047239 seconds (2.00 M allocations: 30.518 MB, 2.01% gc time)
>   0.769541 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 45.776 MB, 0.25% gc time)
> It shows that the "fast" structure makes the code run significantly faster.
> That seems backwards.  I was expecting that with the "Unsigned" type
> assertion, the compiler might be able to deduce that sqrt will always return
> a Float64, or at least narrow down the dispatch choices.  But as the times
> show, the type assertion makes the code run much slower.  What's going on?
> Yes, I know if I declare x with a concrete type such as Int, the code will
> do blazingly fast.  But I was poking around to see if declaring it with an
> abstract type narrower than Any would help.

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