Since people have been looking at paring down the size of Julia recently, I 
went back and made sure my "lite" branch ( of Julia was sync'ed 
with master, as that as had quite a lot of changes recently.

Here is some information comparing the "lite" branch to a normal Julia 

After doing make install, for my lite branch (with Make.user turning off 
additionally DOCS, HELP, and REPL) (which is nice for making a version for 
with low memory overhead for running scripts) I get the following:

When run, I get Sys.maxrss() of 84,856,832, with DOCS, HELP, and REPL, it’s 
108,204,032, and normal build of master its 161,628,160, however, the 
number returned tends to fluctuate a lot.

v0.4.5 returns much less, only 95,952,896 when called from a script.

sys.dylib is 37,992,484 for normal build, and 17,089,520 for the lite 
build, so it takes about 45% the space.

The following shows the amount of space taken for the installation (it’s 
less than half the size of a normal v0.5 install).


12:26 $ du -k -d 1

56 ./bin

4 ./etc

280 ./include

100284 ./lib

0 ./libexec

19104 ./share

119728 .

I get the following for a normal build:


12:26 $ du -k -d 1

56 ./bin

4 ./etc

280 ./include

229484 ./lib

0 ./libexec

19056 ./share

248880 .

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