Yes I know, I don't mix both, but in julia I don't know how to do it !
With your explaination I am very near, but I have this very pick, I am 
trying to reduce it I guess it's the resistance which is to high ? :

using Plots
y= abs(1 ./ (1+im*2*pi*fr*R*C-(2*pi*fr).^2*L*C))
#using Plots
plot(fr,y,title="Pulsation angulaire",
bg=RGB(.2,.2,.2),xlabel ="Rad/s",ylabel = "Ω")

Le jeudi 16 juin 2016 09:22:12 UTC+2, Henri Girard a écrit :
> Hi,
> When I make my plots I have two plots, but before I hadn't this...
> w is the resoning frequency, but it should appear at 0 (zéro) not at 
> extrem ? 
> Any help, I already ask for help with pyplot, this link : 
>!topic/julia-users/EJSvutfdEus, which 
> works fine for angular pulsation, but I want frequency resonance with Plots 
> because I guess I can make more beautifull graphic (anyway I don't know 
> well PyPlot or Plots). I succeeded once with pyplot but after an error I 
> couldn't find it back !
> Bad luck :)
> Kind regards
> HG
> using Plots
> pyplot(reuse=true)
> z=10;u=0.02;s=0.02;w=1/(2*pi*sqrt(u*s))
> f=linspace(-30,30)
> y=abs(1./(1+im.*f.*z.*s-f.*f.*u.*s));
> #fig = figure("Angle")
> plot(f, y)

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