Ahh sorry, forget the 2x slower thing, I had accidentally changed something 
else. Both the anonymous y->1/g(y) and invg(y) give essentially the exact 
same run time. 

There are a number of 1's and 0's, but AFAICT they shouldn't cause any type 
instabilities, if the input variable y or x is a Float64, the output should 
always be Float64 also. In any case I did check switching them to 1. and 
0.'s but that also has no effect. 


On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 4:08:59 PM UTC+2, Eric Forgy wrote:
> Try code_warntype. I'm guessing you have some type instabilities, e.g. I 
> see some 1's and 0's, where it might be better to use 1.0 and 0.0. Not sure 
> :)
> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 9:48:29 PM UTC+8, Marius Millea wrote:
>> Thanks, yea, I had read that too and at some point checked if it mattered 
>> and it didn't seem to which wasn't entirely surprising since its on the 
>> outer loop. 
>> But I just checked again given your comment and on Julia 0.4.5 it seems 
>> to actually be 2x slower if I switch it to this:
>> function f(x)
>>     invg(y) = 1/g(y)
>>     quadgk(invg,0,x)[1]  # <=== outer integral
>> end
>> Odd...
>> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 3:41:37 PM UTC+2, Eric Forgy wrote:
>>> Which version of Julia are you using? One thing that stands out is the 
>>> anonymous function y->1/g(y) being passed as an argument to quadgk. I'm not 
>>> an expert, but I've heard this is slow in v0.4 and below, but should be 
>>> fast in v0.5. Just a though.
>>> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 8:53:57 PM UTC+8, Marius Millea wrote:
>>>> Hi all, I'm sort of just starting out with Julia, I'm trying to get 
>>>> gauge of how fast I can make some code of which I have Cython and Fortran 
>>>> versions to see if I should continue down the path of converting more or 
>>>> my 
>>>> stuff to Julia (which in general I'd very much like to, if I can get it 
>>>> fast enough). I thought maybe I'd post the code in question here to see if 
>>>> I could get any tips. I've stripped down the original thing to what I 
>>>> think 
>>>> are the important parts, a nested integration with an inner function 
>>>> closure and some global variables. 
>>>> module test
>>>> const a = 1.
>>>> function f(x)
>>>>     quadgk(y->1/g(y),0,x)[1]  # <=== outer integral
>>>> end
>>>> function g(y)
>>>>     integrand(x) = x^2*sqrt(x^2*y^2+a)/(exp(sqrt(x^2+y^2))+a)
>>>>     quadgk(integrand,0,Inf)[1]   # <=== inner integral
>>>> end
>>>> end
>>>> > @timeit test.f(1.)
>>>> 100 loops, best of 3: 3.10 ms per loop
>>>> Does anyone have any tips that squeezes a little more out of this code? 
>>>> I have run ProfileView on it, and although I'm not sure I fully understand 
>>>> how to read its output, I think it's saying the majority of runtime is 
>>>> spent in quadgk itself. So perhaps I should look into using a different 
>>>> integration library? 
>>>> Thanks for any help. 

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