On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 10:20:11 PM UTC-5, Tim Holy wrote:
> Presumably if someone sat down and implemented similar operations in 
> pure-julia using, say, 
> tuples, it would blow away what we have now.

Proof-of-principle in this 
gist: https://gist.github.com/timholy/1c557c722359ffe6022a858b0cb8aa80

julia> x = TupleBigInt.TBigUInt((0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 

julia> x+x 

julia> a = fill(x, 10^5); 

julia> b = [BigInt(1) for i = 1:10^5]; 

julia> a+a; 

julia> b+b; 

julia> @time 1 
 0.000000 seconds (3 allocations: 144 bytes) 

julia> @time a+a; 
 0.000539 seconds (7 allocations: 1.526 MB) 

julia> @time b+b; 
 0.022195 seconds (300.01 k allocations: 6.867 MB)

A 40x speed up even without the BigInt version triggering garbage 
collection (it would be an even larger difference if it did).

However, note this is "finite-precision," though there's no upper limit on 
how large that precision is. To make it arbitrary-precision, we need a 
version of `NTuple` where `N` is not a parameter. That would take more work 
in core Julia.


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