Dear all,

I use a Fortran code in my package Spectra.jl, it is working really nicely. 
However, I still use the absolute library path in ccall. From discussion in 
the Gitter, I know that I could use eval, but my ccall is in a function so 
as eval works on global variables, it seems not appropriate...

So my question is, how can we properly provide the shared library path to 
the ccall function, with keeping in mind that this process needs some 
flexibility, required for instance by the installation of the package on 
different OS? This seems particularly important when trying to distribute 
my package. For now, users have to change manually the path in the 
installed package, which seems a bad situation...

I'm sure that this has already done for Fortran library such as the LAPACK 
library for instance, but despite having looked at the Github for 
the LAPACK wrapper, I don't understand how this is implemented...

So if you have any insides, this will be greatly appreciated!


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