On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 8:15 PM, Darwin Darakananda
<darwinda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,

Note that this is not related to generated function but the function
signature (the segfault is in `jl_method_def`)

Simpler repro

function update!(::Tuple)

function update!{N}(::Vararg{Tuple,N})

Please open an issue on github. Thanks.

> I'm running into a problem where Julia is segfaulting when creating a
> generated method for an existing function.
> This is the first time I'm using generated functions, so I'm not sure if I'm
> using it correctly.
> function update!(x::Vector{Int}, Δxs::Vector{Int}...)
>     for i in eachindex(x), Δx in Δxs
>         x[i] += Δx[i]
>     end
> end
> function update!(x::Vector{Float64}, Δxs::Vector{Float64}...)
>     for i in eachindex(x), Δx in Δxs
>         x[i] += 2.0*Δx[i]
>     end
> end
> function update!(sys::Tuple, Δsys::Tuple)
>     for (s, Δs) in zip(sys, Δsys)
>         update!(s, Δs)
>     end
> end
> # x = rand(Int, 100); Δx₁ = similar(x), Δx₁ = similar(x)
> # y = rand(100); Δy₁ = similar(y), Δy₁ = similar(y)
> # update!(x, Δx₁, Δx₂)
> # update!(y, Δy₁, Δy₂)
> # update!((x,y), (Δx₁, Δy₁))
> # Want something to handle update!((x,y), (Δx₁, Δy₁), (Δx₂, Δy₂))
> @generated function update!{N}(sys::Tuple, Δsys::Vararg{Tuple, N})
>     # (Δs1, Δs2, ..., ΔsN)
>     el  = [Symbol("Δs" * string(i)) for i in 1:N]
>     # zip(Δsys[1], Δsys[2], ..., Δsys[N])
>     src = Expr(:call, :zip, :sys, [Expr(:ref, :Δsys, i) for i in 1:N]...)
>     quote
>         for $(Expr(:tuple, :s, el...)) in $src
>             # update!(s, Δs1, Δs2, ..., ΔsN)
>             $(Expr(:call, :update!, :s, el...))
>         end
>         nothing
>     end
> end
> signal (11): Segmentation fault
> while loading no file, in expression starting on line 0
> inst_tuple_w_ at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/jltypes.c:2352
> inst_type_w_ at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/jltypes.c:2437
> inst_tuple_w_ at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/jltypes.c:2383
> inst_type_w_ at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/jltypes.c:2437
> jl_instantiate_type_with at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/jltypes.c:2480
> jl_args_morespecific at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/jltypes.c:3096
> jl_typemap_list_insert_sorted at
> /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/typemap.c:1033
> jl_typemap_insert_generic at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/typemap.c:886
> jl_typemap_insert at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/typemap.c:1006
> jl_method_table_insert at /home/darwin/.local/julia/src/gf.c:1069
> ⋮
> It works fine if I change the name of the generated function to something
> else.  Is this the expected behavior?
> Thanks,
> Darwin

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