I think you must be looking at an old example? Can you tell me where you
found it so I can update? '_apply_recipe' doesn't exist, and you shouldn't
have to import it anyways.

Let me know what your end goal is and I can help. I understand the docs
need better organization.

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, Henri Girard <henri.gir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's what I get,any help  :
> Pkg.checkout("Plots")
> Pkg.checkout("PlotRecipes")
> using Plots, PlotRecipes
> pyplot()
> import Plots: _apply_recipe, KW
> immutable F
>    f::Function
> end
> getf(f::F) = f.f
> --------------------
> WARNING: could not import Plots._apply_recipe into Main
> -----------------------
> _apply_recipe(d::KW, f::F, args...; kw...) = (f.f, args...)
> plot(F(sin), 0, 4π)
> -------------------
> [Plots.jl] Initializing backend: pyplot
> LoadError: In convertToAnyVector, could not handle the argument types: (F,)
> while loading In[6], in expression starting on line 3
>  [inlined code] from /home/pi/.julia/v0.4/Plots/src/series_new.jl:86
>  in apply_recipe at /home/pi/.julia/v0.4/RecipesBase/src/RecipesBase.jl:235
>  in _plot! at /home/pi/.julia/v0.4/Plots/src/plot.jl:312
>  in plot at /home/pi/.julia/v0.4/Plots/src/plot.jl:52
> ​

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