Similar question and answer:

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 11:26 AM, <> wrote:

> I am a complete newcomer to Julia and trying to port some of my R code to
> it;
> Basically I have rewritten the following R code in Julia:
>     library(parallel)
>     eps_1<-rnorm(1000000)
>     eps_2<-rnorm(1000000)
>     large_matrix<-ifelse(cbind(eps_1,eps_2)>0,1,0)
>     matrix_to_compare = expand.grid(c(0,1),c(0,1))
>     indices<-seq(1,1000000,4)
>     large_matrix<-lapply(indices,function(i)(large_matrix[i:(i+3),]))
>     function_compare<-function(x){
>       which((rowSums(x==matrix_to_compare)==2) %in% TRUE)
>     }
>     > system.time(lapply(large_matrix,function_compare))
>        user  system elapsed
>      38.812   0.024  38.828
>     > system.time(mclapply(large_matrix,function_compare,mc.cores=11))
>        user  system elapsed
>      63.128   1.648   6.108
> As one can notice I am getting significant speed-up when going from one
> core to 11. Now I am trying to do the same in Julia:
>     using Distributions;
>     @everywhere using Iterators;
>     d = Normal();
>     eps_1 = rand(d,1000000);
>     eps_2 = rand(d,1000000);
>     #Define cluster:
>     addprocs(11);
>     #Create a large matrix:
>     large_matrix = hcat(eps_1,eps_2).>=0;
>     indices = collect(1:4:1000000)
>     #Split large matrix:
>     large_matrix = [large_matrix[i:(i+3),:] for i in indices];
>     #Define the function to apply:
>     @everywhere function function_split(x)
>         matrix_to_compare =
> transpose(reinterpret(Int,collect(product([0,1],[0,1])),(2,4)));
>         matrix_to_compare = matrix_to_compare.>0;
>         find(sum(x.==matrix_to_compare,2).==2)
>     end
>     @time map(function_split,large_matrix )
>     @time pmap(function_split,large_matrix )
>      5.167820 seconds (22.00 M allocations: 2.899 GB, 12.83% gc time)
>      18.569198 seconds (40.34 M allocations: 2.082 GB, 5.71% gc time)
> I somehow do not understand why parallel map function does not work for
> me. Maybe somebody can point me to a correct solution.

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