Convex.jl defines an abstract type AbstractExpr, from which all important 
concrete types in the package are descended. We've defined a bunch of 
functions that allow users to treat AbstractExprs as though they were 
matrices: indexing, hcat, vcat, multiplication, addition, subtraction, etc. 
Can we use these to automatically get more advanced functions, like (for 
example) kron?

The code for kron 
uses only indexing and multiplication operators. But I'm not sure how to 
make AbstractExpr (and its subtypes) subtype AbstractMatrix{Float64} or 
subtype AbstractArray{Float64,2} to make this transition seamless.

Simply defining

abstract AbstractExpr <: AbstractArray{Float64,2} 

results in a method error: (Variable is defined as a subtype of 

julia> kron(A,B)
ERROR: MethodError: `kron` has no method matching kron(::Array{Float64,2}, 
Closest candidates are:
  kron(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...)
  kron{T,S}(::Array{T,2}, ::Array{S,2})
  kron(::Union{Array{T,1},Array{T,2}}, ::Number)

1) Is it possible to have Convex's AbstractExpr inherit from AbstractArray? 
What other methods would we need to implement to make this work?
2) Is it a terrible idea, for reasons I haven't thought of?


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