There is, which seems to
have a similar aim (although sans R/Python support).  Maybe join forces?

On Fri, 2016-07-15 at 01:34, Chris Rackauckas <> wrote:
> Hey,
>   After some discussion (and letting the idea hang around for a long time)
> I decided to create VectorizedRoutines.jl. The idea behind this package is
> to include the useful and familiar vectorized routines that one knows and
> loves from MATLAB/R/Python. An example of such functions include things
> like meshgrid or accumarray. The reason for the package is three-fold:
> 1) Such a package will help newcomers who are first trying Julia and used
> to using these functions
> 2) It will make porting codes to Julia easier (even though it is already
> easy!)
> 3) Sometimes these functions are a really quick solution to a problem. They
> can be nice to use!
>   The functions I am looking to store here are ones not included into Base.
> There are good reasons for not wanting to bloat Base with all of these: in
> many cases they are not necessary (nor the best way to things) in Julia
> because Julia does not require vectorization like other scripting
> languages. Thus I see a package dedicated to holding these functions (while
> making sure they achieve optimal performance, have proper
> documentation/testing) as a viable alternative.
>   Please feel free to submit pull requests for your own implementations of
> "popular/familiar" functions you are missing in Julia. Also, feel free to
> submit pull requests for "non-standard" vectorized routines which follow
> the same vein and are generally useful. Please include a docstring to
> discuss its usage or have it link to proper documentation. Also, feel free
> to donate some tests! If this begins to build into something really useful,
> I will make sure that this gets proper documentation through Documenter.jl
> and add it to METADATA.

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